Tuesday, 1 May 2018

MA Games Design: Student Feedback

A week or so ago in class, we had a group discussion regarding immediate and long-term changes to the course. Within this talk, a couple of us talked about the way in which some of the other design courses are given feedback. We liked the idea of pinning work to the walls of our room so that people could leave sticky notes with advice, critique, compliments or any feedback we wanted on our work. 

A few of us printed some work and stuck it on the wall and we've now received some sticky notes with feedback on our work. I think it's a really positive exercise and something that I'm really happy to take part in, since I do sometimes struggle to talk to other people about their work. Plus people might not necessarily discuss the things they're struggling with or want feedback on, but when you can see it plain as day on the wall, it's much easier to help people.

I hope this is something I can keep adding to as I work on more things and I also hope other people are happy to contribute their work for the wall or even to write on some sticky notes!

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